Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Amazon taking over the world? has undoubtedly taken over the mainstream arena of online shopping in recent years, expanding from a book and media delivery site to an anything-you-could-ever-want-or-need-in-life-delivered-to-your-doorstep-with-a-click-of-your-mouse type of venture. That's intense. Granted, I've appreciated ordering countless textbooks and novels over my past five semesters at SMU for a minuscule fraction of the prices found at our lovely, excessively overpriced, campus bookstore (that now, ironically, offers textbook rentals for about the same price as ordering from Amazon would be... good job SMU, you're catching on), but where does that leave the Borders and Barnes & Nobles of the world? Apparently, bankrupt. I guess I could have seen it coming, that still didn't lessen my shock at seeing. . . . .

Sad day for Borders, hopefully this trend ceases to continue for the sake of the rest of the world's bookstores. Not to say I didn't take advantage of the closeout sale, guilty as charged. I stopped by for a couple new CDs and stumbled upon a pretty cool and insightful advertising related book called HumanKind by Tom Bernardin and Mark Tutssel. Frankly, the whole Kindle revolution is beginning to frighten me a bit...Is the future of scholarly and leisure-time reading destined to be free of physical page-turning and dog-earing? For the health of my eyesight, I sure hope not.

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