Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I get that banks are going to be, understandably, more cautious with who they give credit card accounts out to after the financial disasters of the past, but hey, can a girl get a break?? A year or so ago, I decided that with the ever-impending life of a "real person" in the "real world" descending rather quickly, that I should man up (or woman up.... it just doesn't have the same ring to it) and begin the life-long process of establishing some credit. Little did I know that I would be consistently denied from every possible credit card that I can think of (Bank of America's student card being my most recent denial...really?) 
I would understand if I had spent some time behind bars, or if I simply had never worked a job in my life, but dangit I've been working since the day I was given the OK by mamacita, on my 14th birthday, and I've loved earning money ever since. Working every summer that I can remember as a surf instructor for my local surf shop, Girl in the Curl, and working in the shop over holidays when I was younger, and on weekends in high school, I saved myself quite a bit of moola with the help of babysitting gigs on the side. Since I've been at SMU, paid internships, working as a teacher's assistant, as well as throwing in the occasional "nanny" jobs have been my money-makers. Exotic dancing aside (joke, Granny), I like to think I'm almost completely self-sufficient. Would it be weird to send in a resume with my next mail-in application? I get that a guarantor is sometimes necessary for first-time credit card holders, but what to do if your parents are in no position to help a sister out? Venting is not the solution, I am aware, but I'm hoping that by publicly announcing my little dilemma, maybe the Bank of Peace, Love and Happiness will extend a helping hand...you out there? 

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