Friday, April 15, 2011

Whaddup With It?

The DART, aka Dallas Area Rapid Transit, has somehow earned a bad rep from the SMU community. Why, I ask? This one isn't a toughie to decode, unfortunately. Whenever the Dart enters a topic of conversation, I've noticed that phrases of "Be careful," and "Probably not a good idea," are natural responses---from SMU students, professors, employees... you name it, they've said it. 

When I decided to take a couple journalism classes about a year ago, one of our editorial assignments was to write a story about a ride on the Dart trains and buses, starting from here on campus to Mockingbird Station, and ending up at the Dallas Zoo stop, then turning right back around. The purpose was not to make it to the zoo and write about it, but to observe changes in people, scenery, and any other observational factors after a certain point during the ride. I made a point to sit next to different people, to talk to them, make light conversation, and keep an eye peeled for anything interesting. The purpose of the assignment was to go alone, to see everything from a fresh perspective, to be ALONE, away from outside (friend) influences. 

I think it was sophomore, maybe freshman year when I took the class, and I remember telling my friends about it, and the shocked looks on their faces... "You took the DART alone?!? What were you thinking! You could have gotten killed!" Ok, maybe that was a bit of an embellishment, but I still can't get over the shock value that comes with deciding to ride the DART. I get the whole safety issue, especially at night, but isn't that true about any place, in any big city? You always need your wits about you, but why live your life in a big, non-exploratory bubble? Seriously, it's the most convenient, cheap, speedy service that goes literally everywhere around Dallas and Plano. It goes to the State Fairgrounds when it's in town, all over downtown, to the Dallas Zoo, cute areas in Plano, the Convention Center... need I say more? Come on people, get over your fear, try it out, if you don't love it, come see me personally, and I'll give you an itinerary for the day, bueno?


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