Monday, April 18, 2011

You say you want a revolution.. well, you know

We all want to change the world. Stolen from the Beatles, yes, I am aware, but the music industry is no stranger to this set of lyrics, and with that, a certain cliché. It all began with Napster, shortly after, Limewire evolved, then Acquisition, and ever since, it seems the music industry has been struggling to find ways to discourage this piracy of music, in an attempt to actually make some profit. We have all fallen into the temptation at some point, there's no denying. What's not to love about free music? 

Music makes the world happier, I like to think, even the heavy metal head-bangers out there. I've got the feeling that the music world is evolving into a new beast, one that encourages underground sensations to be spread virally, one where sharing music is just as easy as sending a text, one where live music is king, and one where it's possible for all genres of music to be heard via airwaves and internet in all 195 countries at the same time. Maybe I'm just biased, but the whole music festival, live show thing seems to be growing in popularity, to the extent of the Woodstock days. It's almost ironic, how, the more technologically advanced we become as a society, the more popularized the simple things become. We are reverting back to the mindset of generations past, and I like it. A lot.

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